Engagement Rings

Engagement Rings

Which Finger Is the Engagement Ring Worn On?

Traditionally, the engagement ring is usually worn on the ring finger of the left hand. However, this practice can vary due to cultural and regional differences. While the left hand is generally preferred in Western countries, some Middle Eastern countries may use the ring finger of the right hand.

The History of Engagement Rings

The origins of the engagement ring practice go back to Ancient Egypt. Ancient Egyptians believed that the vein in the ring finger led directly to the heart. This belief was adopted by the Romans and Greeks and became a symbol for why the ring should be worn on the ring finger of the left hand.

In the Roman Empire, the engagement ring also symbolized a form of ownership. By giving an engagement ring, the man would declare that the woman belonged to him.

Engagement Rings in Modern Times

Today, the engagement ring represents the love and commitment between two people. Modern rings are often adorned with diamonds or other precious stones and come in various designs and shapes. The reason for wearing it on the ring finger of the left hand has a historical and romantic background, as mentioned above.


The tradition of wearing an engagement ring has layers of history behind it. From Ancient Egypt to the present day, this special ring has been used to express the love and commitment between two people. Which hand's ring finger it will be worn on can vary depending on cultural and individual preferences. However, what's most important is the meaning that this ring carries and the love it symbolizes between two people.