Tension Pink Tourmaline Rings

Tension Pink Tourmaline Rings

Features of the Pink Tourmaline Stone

Tourmaline has one of the widest color ranges among precious stones, and pink tourmaline stands out as one of the most appealing members of this family. Known as the stone of love and compassion, pink tourmaline's colors range from transparent pink hues to deep fuchsia, giving each ring a unique character. Symbolizing energy and vitality, this stone is also the birthstone for October and is believed to balance the heart chakra.

Design Features of Tension Rings

Tension rings are a part of modern jewelry design. The "tension" they are named for is based on the principle of the metal's two ends squeezing a stone to hold it in place. Thanks to the high-strength metals used in these rings, the stone is maintained in suspension without being embedded in the ring. This design allows the stone to reflect light in all directions to its maximum, thus creating a sparkle.

History of Tension Rings

The history of tension rings dates back to the 1960s, a period when modernist jewelry designs were on the rise in Europe. During this era, designers wanting to go beyond traditional setting techniques created a new type of ring that highlighted the elasticity of metal and the beauty of the stone. Today, with their innovative design and modern look, tension rings particularly appeal to lovers of avant-garde jewelry.

The Place of Pink Tourmaline Tension Rings in Modern Jewelry

In recent years, pink tourmaline tension rings have gained particular popularity. These rings blend traditional jewelry concepts with a modern transformation, offering a unique aesthetic to their wearers. They are chosen as engagement rings as well as becoming a part of everyday elegance.


With their original designs and captivating colors, tension pink tourmaline rings have carved out a solid place for themselves in the world of jewelry.